Day 96 – Black Friday

Who would have thought that my crazy day could be summed up in one pin!

Black Friday

As I mentioned yesterday, my Thanksgiving was not quite what it has been in the past, so I ran with it and made the best of it. For the past bunch of years, I have I gone Black Friday shopping with my mom. We stay at my grandmother’s and wake up early (like 5 a.m.), and shop like crazy until about noon and then we crash and head home.

Well, aside from stupid life circumstances that did not allow that to happen this year, the Black Friday Coordinators really messed all of that up by starting Black “Friday” on Thursday. I really hated the idea of shopping at 8:00 just to get a bargain. I revolted against that and refused to go that early.

So since my regular shopping partner was otherwise occupied, I went with my husband and sister-in-law. Their style is slightly different than my mom’s. I went to “bed” at 8:15 last night and woke up at 11:15. We were out the door by midnight and shopped till we dropped a bunch of hours later.

We had a very pleasant experience the entire night until about 5:00 a.m. We headed to K-mart, which apparently reopened at 5 after closing at 3 to get ready for the 5:00 sale. (Let’s not forget, we are talking a.m. here…never in my life have I shopped in the middle of the night like this…craziness!) There were a few toys that were on sale for the kiddos, so we figured we were right on time to get the things we wanted. We got there about 4:30, so we waited in the car until 5, even though there was a bit of a line. We got in the store among the first 40 or so customers and headed straight for the toys.

I was beyond frustrated to see that the employees of this store did nothing to prepare the store for the 5:00 opening. I was looking for three particular toys. I headed to the Barbie aisle first, and there were no other people in that aisle and it was already a MESS! Things were so disorganized, doll boxes were tipped over, shelves were emptied, and there were zero of the toys I was looking for. I refuse to believe that the few people in front of me, who did not even appear to head to that aisle (although it was the closest to a typical news-worthy black Friday stampede that I have ever been a part of), trashed the store in literally 1 minute. All three of the items that we went there for were not in stock. Now I would like to say, I am not one of those crazy shoppers who is interested in plowing through people to get a good bargain. I just thought that since I was there right as they opened, I should have the opportunity to get something that was supposed to start going on sale at the time that I arrived.

I am considering an online Black Friday extravaganza next year.

Before I go, I will leave you with my favorite Black Friday video…

Total Cost:

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