Day 348 – Jellyfish in a Bottle

Sometimes I pin things to look up later. Something might look interesting from the original picture, but I am not sure what it entails to make.

That happened with this Jellyfish in a Bottle thing. It looked cool in the picture, so I pinned it to look at later.

That “later” time came today when Little Miss Pinterest Project needed something to do. The original blogger did this with her 3 year old and 20 month old. I would agree that this project is a good one for children that little, but it seems a bit silly for older ones if you ask me.

A.,  however, loved making this at 7 years old. She was proud of the finished project and talked about things she would tell her friends about her pet jelly fish when they came over. She loved watching it swim as she turned the bottle over. I was quite surprised at how interested she was in this project. What do I know about kids…it’s not like I have a college degree in it or anything…

Here’s what you need:

A transparent plastic grocery bag
Plastic water bottle
Food coloring


1. Cut a transparent plastic bag (I used a produce bag) into a plastic panel that is about 7 x 7 or 8 x 8 inches.

2. From the center of the plastic sheet, fold it like a tiny balloon to make the head part and tie it with the thread – not too tight. You must leave a little hole in order to pour some water in the head part.

3. Now you’ll get the head balloon part and the remaining will be its tentacles. Cut from the edge up to the head part roughly. You’ll get for about 8-10 tentacles.

4. For each of them, cut again into 3-4 small strings– and just cut off the remaining part. Then cut the tentacles at different lengths.

5. Put some water into the head part to make it be able to sink. You must leave some air inside to make be able to float up.

6. Fill up your water bottle.

7. Put your jellyfish in the bottle with a few drops of blue food coloring. Screw on the cap.

The end.

It seems like a lot of steps, but it is quite simple. We struggled a little with getting the jelly fish into the bottle when its head was filled with water, but after some trial and error, we got it.



She really loves it, so this $0 project was well worth the cost.

Total cost: $0

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